Rinse and repeat

After the task of laminating all the net lashing tubes shown on the prior posting, it was on to the same for the starboard side. We did the primary work in one long day; three separate vac bag applications needing a couple hours each, plus all the materials prep time in between, all took about ten hours. Overall, these hull-mounted net attachments are looking like a solid 40 hour week of work. Drilling and installing a few hundred screws and eye straps would have been much quicker, but I have no interest in all that steel / rust and potential for little leaks all around the boat.


A coat of primer goes on the rudder today while we look for wax or vinyl sheets to use as a release agent around the rudder to start building the cassette. (Any rudder builders out there have a suggestion?)

Go Brandon Belt – very good to have baseball back on the radio to fill the shop in the evenings.

2 thoughts on “Rinse and repeat

    • Bob, that is a fantastic, easy, cheap idea! And I can buy it right next to my favorite (and only) epoxy cleanup – $3 gallon jugs of white vinegar. Old school , I love it :)


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