Port beams trial fit

Thanks to Griffin for lifting the port beams up in to position (I can see why other builders hoist completed floats up out of the way!). Good news is these beams lined up just fine. Labor Day weekend is slated for installing the diagonal bracing tangs in to the beams. These two beams’ internals should go much faster than the starboards because all the parts were fabricated at once, so this time it’s just an install job.

Access to one of the forward port beam bolts is inside the shower stall wall, so that led to deciding/cutting in a cabinet door – that’s going to be a great storage space for bulky bathroom things. The shower stall is generous – might use up some space with a vertical water tank? Time to calculate the volume of 6″ deep, two feet wide and five or so feet tall. Hmmmm


starboard beams ready for their tops

It’s been two months since a post because progress has been tedious with many little steps to finishing the internal webs / structures inside the beams. And severely limited building hours due to lots of business travel. In the photo the ‘wings’ just inboard of the sides, plus the brown foam along the center, are glueing attachment points for the beam top. When sealed up, the glue joints complete the box structure for final rigidity. The tops will never be able to come off without major surgery. Image

Now the fitting and internal structure of the port beams is underway. Spent all day Sunday with Griffin’s help repositioning the workshop to slide the main hull six feet to the right. This included taking one of the 35′ float hulls out in the street, which always gets the neighbors buzzing. 

While building the internals of the starboard beams, most of the pieces for the port side were also constructed, so construction should go much faster (including not repeating some time-wasting methods used the first time). The plan is to get all four beams ready for sealing, then build the four top pieces all at once. Then it’s on to the wrapping laminations, and building the fairings. At this rate, these beams will consume all of 2012. Slow and steady and rock-solid – just following Farrier’s documents with all the big warnings about “Do this part right!”


PS – the GORGEOUS 50′ carbon rotator mast has been purchased, and is awaiting transport west…  More on that later – yea!!!