Back to work

Well, there were lots of good distractions from the boat shop this summer, including training for a ‘century’ bike event (100 miles) in Death Valley, helping Colin rehab a Coronado 15, and of course the Americas Cup finals.


We finished painting Colin’s boat tonight. Great use of otherwise unclaimed Sunflower yellow topsides paint – we grabbed a half pint can of bright red and, viola, Coast Guard orange!


And with other distractions wrapped up, I finally got started on primary assembly of the port side. Spent the morning again with the car jack and wood blocks, gently coaxing the float up to its waiting beams. Then began glassing the beam sockets in to the hull. That process will take about ten hours including adding cross-webs for strength.


So while prior posts showed interior progress, I’ve had a change of heart and returned to primary ‘specialty’ work outside. The boat grows much more valuable as a completed trimaran, including steering and foils, so I’ll focus on those big jobs here in 2013. Interior finish work won’t require a multihull specialist, and thus will be easier to job out should I need to hire help. That’s the thinking anyway!